Two days ago had a few hundred people march once more to the Turkish embassy in Athens, and there had been a few days previously a protest at the Turkish Airlines desk in Thessaloniki, and the German consulate in Heraklio. Anyways at the demo there was the usual lively Kurdish contingent. As well at the same time and place was a protest about free transportation, these two together resulted in closing the Panepistimio metro station for several hours. Nearby was also a typically boring KKE/PAME (Greek Communist Party) demo about low wages or some such. Yet one could not help but having the feeling that almost as if despite all the various leftist, logistical and micropolitical issues keeping all the demos separate and pointedly not mentioning each other, all types of different struggles and people in Athens were secretly wanting to converge around Afrin, like dancers to some invisible music…especially as we passed the hunger strike some of the Kurds have begun in Syntagma, asking for the Greek government to take a stand and not remain silent as it has done so far.
Also in relation to free transportation over the past weekend the Perissos metro station had its new electronic ticket machines completely smashed. The government is trying to slowly slowly introduce the new electronic e-ticket system and at all stations to close the barriers/gates (along with laughable ‘governmental communism’ from these Marxists, giving away thousands of new tickets for free in a shameless bid to popularize the objectively wretched, universally detested and horribly malfunctioning system installed by some moronic crony of theirs) but the streets are continuing to give a firm negative response.