Actions for Afrin

(thanks to the comrades and re-linked from

This also was from Heraklio, call for a Newroz commemoration for those fallen fighting for liberty in Afrin

Recent developments

Two days ago had a few hundred people march once more to the Turkish embassy in Athens, and there had been a few days previously a protest at the Turkish Airlines desk in Thessaloniki, and the German consulate in Heraklio. Anyways at the demo there was the usual lively Kurdish contingent. As well at the same time and place was a protest about free transportation, these two together resulted in closing the Panepistimio metro station for several hours. Nearby was also a typically boring KKE/PAME (Greek Communist Party) demo about low wages or some such. Continue reading “Recent developments”

We remember

This day of the foundation of the Paris Commune in 1871, we are of course forced to look at Afrin. Just as now there is a rebellious city stuck between two fires, two enemies. As the Parisians were surrounded by the troops of Versailles and the Prussians, so too the Kurds on the ground face fascist Erdogan and the ‘leftist’ Assad regime, just as they are wedged between the larger geopolitical conflicts of Russia and the US…

As Camillo Berneri, the Italian anarchist who was on the barricades in the May Days of 1937 in Barcelona, proposing to fight against fascism and against the leftist Republican government, wrote:

Let us set our lights and hold the tiller with a hand of steel. We are on the high seas and the tempest is raging. But we can still perform miracles. Caught between the Prussians and Versailles, the Commune lit a fire which still lights the world.”

Afrin has lit such a fire once again, and everyone feels this invisible flame spreading!